
Epsom salt||Benefits &Uses||Magnesium sulphate

2020-02-11 150 Dailymotion

Video published on-
11 -feb-2020

Hello friends welcome to all of you in our gardening channel"Nature canvas".

About this video-
Epsome salt or magnishium sulphate is very good fertilizer for making chlorophil pigment in plant leaves.
Give green colour to yellow leaves by photo synthesis process.
Very useful in repotting of plant.
Uses in Rose, गुडहल, ixora, jasmine, गुलदाउदी, tamato, मिर्ची..any types of ferns
Do'nt use in any variety of palm, leafy vegetable like पालक, धनिया, मैथी & any other plants.
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1)How to use epsom salt in Rose plant

2)#useofEpsomsaltinplants #

3)what is epsom salt?
